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renters insurance

Man and Woman looking over a balcony

Renting can be a smart decision. You might not be ready to buy a home. You might feel that the market conditions aren’t right. But that doesn’t mean you want any less protection than a homeowner.

Renters insurance offers a great, affordable option to protect your belongings. Though you may not have the immediate cash to replace your new 4K TV or that vintage mid-century cabinet you love, that’s what insurance is for.

At Westfield, we understand how devastating it can be to lose cherished personal items with no recourse to replace them. We’re here to make sure that if the worst happens, you can recover from the loss.

Why Get Renters Insurance?

A lot of people think they’re covered by their landlord’s insurance should something happen, like a fire. 

They’re not. 

Generally, a landlord or building owner’s insurance just covers the building itself. It doesn’t typically cover damage or losses to your personal property. 

With renter’s insurance, you’re protected if:

  • A fire breaks out
  • A disaster strikes
  • You get robbed
  • Someone gets hurt while at your place and decides to sue you

Cover Your Apartment and Auto with Wespak®

If you also have a car, truck, or SUV, you can combine your renters and auto insurance under one policy, one bill and one deductible with our Wespak policy. We want to help you save time and money.

Discover More Coverage Options

Once you’ve decided on renters insurance, you may want to think about some other coverage options. Westfield offers a full range of personal insurance products to fit your individual needs.

Connect with a Westfield Agent

An independent Westfield agent is your door to flexible coverage for your apartment, auto or whatever else you need. 

We know that your time is precious. Our agents are highly trained to provide you with efficient service and to make the process of getting a quote and buying insurance as pain-free as possible. 

Use our convenient online tool to find an agent near you today.



Wherever you are and whenever you need us, we’ll be there. And now, so will your policy info.


89 % of Westfield customers report satisfaction with the ease of handling their claim.

Westfield Testimonials


  • We're one of the largest non-public companies in Ohio and the largest employer in Medina County.
  • We provide personal insurance in 10 states, commercial insurance in 21 states and surety products in 50 states through a network of more than a thousand leading independent agencies.
  • We've sponsored the Cleveland Cavaliers Straight "A" All-Stars since 2005.